Board Members:
Brandon Kersey - President
Mac McLawhorn - Vice President
Danny Buckner - Treasurer
Heidi Long - Secretary
Lynsey Bethel
Allen Bishop
Jonathan Bledsoe
John Hutcheson
Ward Satterfield
David Pasqua
Ashlyn Barnett Beau Patton Mark Orr

Thank You

of Directors 2023/2024


Sponsorship Levels and options

Sponsor a Season

  • Sustaining Sponsor: $10,000+                                     

    Name recognition in all regular season productions, recognition on our website, 10 complimentary tickets to all regular season productions, large plaque displayed in the front lobby, and verbal recognition at all events

  • Partnering Sponsor: $5,000+                                  

    Name recognition in all regular season productions, recognition on our website, 10 complimentary tickets to all regular season productions, and verbal recognition at all events

  • Leading Sponsor: $2500+                                         

    Name recognition in all regular season productions, recognition on our website, 4 complimentary tickets to all regular season productions, and verbal recognition at all events

  • Supporting Sponsor: $1000+                                 

    Name recognition in all regular season productions, recognition on our website, 2 complimentary tickets to all regular season productions, and verbal recognition at all events

    Sponsor a Show                                                                                    

  • Executive Sponsor: $2500.00-                                   

    Name recognition the sponsoring productions, recognition on our website, 10 complimentary tickets to the sponsoring productions, and verbal recognition at the production.

  • Producing Sponsor: $1000.00                                 

    Name recognition in the sponsoring productions, recognition on our website, 4 complimentary tickets to the sponsoring productions, and verbal recognition at the production.         

  • Directing Sponsor: $500.00-                                   

    Name recognition in the sponsoring productions, recognition on our website, 2 complimentary tickets to the sponsoring productions, and verbal recognition at the production.   

  •  Patron Sponsor: $250.00-                                       

    Name recognition in the sponsoring productions, recognition on our website, and verbal recognition at the production. 

You can make a difference.

ACT is funded through individual and family memberships, as well as corporate sponsorship and donations.

Consider becoming a member or corporate sponsor today and help us continue to provide theatrical arts opportunities, entertainment, and educational programs to the Northwest Georgia Community.